Expressions with JUST Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests comprehension of common English expressions that include the word JUST.

For each question, read the sentence and choose the answer with the closest meaning to the words in italics.

1. It was just on seven-thirty when we got there.

a) nearly b) exactly c) approximately

2. It's been a long flight, but we're just about there.

far from
a) almost b) already c) far from

3. It's a dangerous city, but I'd like to go there just the same.

the same as before
for that reason
despite that
a) the same as before b) for that reason c) despite that

4. It's starting to rain. Just as well we've got our umbrellas.

as usual
a) naturally b) as usual c) luckily

5. A good book is just the thing for a long flight.

the perfect choice
a common choice
a fair choice
a) the perfect choice b) a common choice c) a fair choice

6. Just a moment while I fix my hair.

wait a while
wait a second
wait for ages
a) wait a while b) wait a second c) wait for ages

7. Exercise is great, but a good diet is just as important.

almost as
much more
a) almost as b) much more c) equally

8. Life was normal until, just like that, everyone went into lockdown.

a) suddenly b) gradually c) predictably

9. Sales staff know when a customer is just looking.

wanting help
spying on them
a) wanting help b) browsing c) spying on them

10. All this homelessness just goes to show how bad things really are.

a) proves b) exaggerates c) hides

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.