Expressions Quiz: Shopping

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests comprehension of common English expressions used when talking about shopping.

Read each sentence and choose the answer with the closest meaning to the words in italics.

1. My husband's tailor-made suits cost an arm and a leg.

aren't too costly
are very expensive
fit him perfectly
a) aren't too costly b) are very expensive c) fit him perfectly

2. It's a rare book, so if that's the price it's a steal.

it was stolen
it's too much
it's a bargain
a) it was stolen b) it's too much c) it's a bargain

3. Forty dollars for a haircut? That's daylight robbery!

far too expensive
a little too much
much too cheap
a) far too expensive b) a little too much c) much too cheap

4. All their winter clothes will be on sale by the start of spring.

sold out
more highly-priced
a) sold out b) discounted c) more highly-priced

5. None of the paintings in the gallery are for sale.

available for purchase
good enough to sell
cheap enough to buy
a) available for purchase b) good enough to sell c) cheap enough to buy

6. We got a top-of-the-line electric stove for a song.

for a very high price
for an average price
for a very low price
a) for a very high price b) for an average price c) for a very low price

7. These phones have been selling like hot cakes.

selling very slowly
selling very quickly
selling very cheaply
a) selling very slowly b) selling very quickly c) selling very cheaply

8. Even though we don't have much money, we still enjoy window shopping.

looking without buying
shopping for windows
shopping without paying
a) looking without buying b) shopping for windows c) shopping without paying

9. Whenever Kim wants something, she drives a hard bargain and gets a good price.

haggles unfairly
haggles angrily
haggles determinedly
a) haggles unfairly b) haggles angrily c) haggles determinedly

10. The tickets were sold out within 24 hours.

were for sale
were all sold
were discounted
a) were for sale b) were all sold c) were discounted

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.