Fixed Expressions Quiz 8

level: upper-intermediate

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. Read the sentence and choose the correct fixed expression from the options highlighted in bold text.

1. They weren't very popular early on early days at the earliest, but by 2020 they were the world's biggest band.

2. As the economy grew worse, it got so and so much and much more and more difficult to get a job.

3. Even though her spoken English is far beneath far under far from perfect, her written English is excellent.

4. I'm fine with people I know, but when it comes to when it goes to when it moves to meeting strangers I get really nervous.

5. The cops say they didn't kill him by purpose on purpose in purpose, but the video shows it wasn't accidental.

6. Kids are afraid of falling off at first, but when they get the hang of it get the point of it get the better of it they love riding bikes.

7. Most workers say they should do with could do with would do with more days off to spend with their families.

8. Luckily Clair left the building shortly after shortly before shortly as the mass shooting started. Otherwise, she could've been killed.

9. My brother has to choose a career, but he still can't make out his mind make up his mind make over his mind.

10. The gallery has hung one of my paintings upside down downside up bottoms up. Should I turn it the right way up, or just leave it like that?

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.