University terms quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests some of the terms covered in the glossary of University Terms in our Vocabulary section.

1. All the land and buildings occupied by a university or college can be called a

a) faculty b) campus c) syllabus

2. All those who've graduated from a particular school, college or university are its

a) alumni b) academics c) mentors

3. What do the letters BA stand for?

Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Academics
Bachelor of Achievement
a) Bachelor of Arts b) Bachelor of Academics c) Bachelor of Achievement

4. If your degree includes a major in Chinese Literature and a minor in Asian History, which do you spend the most time studying?

Chinese History
Asian History
Chinese Literature
a) Chinese History b) Asian History c) Chinese Literature

5. You can do your first postgraduate degree after graduating with

a high school diploma
a first or bachelor's degree
a second or master's degree
a) a high school diploma b) a first or bachelor's degree c) a second or master's degree

6. What is a department or group of related departments in a college or university called?

a faculty
a campus
a syllabus
a) a faculty b) a campus c) a syllabus

7. You can apply to do an undergraduate degree after graduating with

a high school diploma
a first or bachelor's degree
a second or master's degree
a) a high school diploma b) a first or bachelor's degree c) a second or master's degree

8. In the USA and Canada, a first-year student at a college or university is called

a fresh face
a freshman
a fresher
a) a fresh face b) a freshman c) a fresher

9. The list of subjects taught in a course of study is a

a) faculty b) campus c) syllabus

10. People with a career in teaching or doing research at a university are known as

a) alumni b) graduates c) academics

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.