Homophones List - Intermediate
This is a list of useful homophones for intermediate level learners.
This list of homophones in alphabetical order is based on Standard British English. Some words will not be homophones in all accents and varieties of English.
- allowed / aloud
- band / banned
- bare / bear
- billed / build
- boar / bore
- board / bored
- bold / bowled
- bread / bred
- bridal / bridle
- cent / scent
- cereal / serial
- chews / choose
- crews / cruise
- days / daze
- desert (v) / dessert
- dies / dyes
- fair / fare
- farther  / father
- fir / fur
- flew / flu
- flour / flower
- gnus / news
- guessed / guest
- guise / guys
- hay / hey
- heal / heel
- heard / herd
- higher / hire
- I'll / isle
- knead / need
- knight / night
- knot / not
- mind / mined
- missed / mist
- nun / none
- ode / owed
- oh / owe
- pail / pale
- pairs / pears
- pause / paws
- peace / piece
- peer / pier
- pole / poll
- pore / pour
- pray / prey
- raise / rays
- rapper / wrapper
- root / route
- rose / rows
- saw / sore
- sew / sow
- sight / site
- soared / sword
- tease / tees
- tense / tents
- toad / towed
- toes / tows
- wait / weight
- war / wore
- wares / wears
- warn / worn
- weakly / weekly
- weather / whether
- weave / we’ve