Phrasal Verbs/S
Phrasal verbs beginning with S. Select a phrasal verb for more up
to put something aside for the future
screw up
If you screw something up, you ruin it or you do it the wrong way.
seal off
to stop people from going into an area or a building, often because it isn't safe
see about
If you see about something, you make an effort to arrange it or organise it.
see off
If you see somebody off, you go to the place from where they're beginning a journey, like an airport or a railway station, and wish them well as they leave.
see out (1)
If you see someone out, you accompany them out of a room or a building when they're leaving.
see out (2)
to continue until the end of a particular period of time or until the end of a contract or an activity
see through (1)
If you see through something or someone, you realize that you are being deceived or tricked, and you aren't fooled.
see through (2)
If you see something through, you continue with it right to the end.
see to
If you see to something, you take responsibility for it and make sure it's done.
sell off
to sell assets or belongings, often for a low price because you need money quickly
sell out
to sell all the stock of something, and have none left
send back
If you send back something that's been delivered to you, you return it because there's a problem with it.
send for
to ask for someone to come to you, or to ask for something to be sent to you
send off (1)
If you send something off, you post it or send it by a courier service.
send off (2)
If a referee or an umpire sends off a player, the player has to leave the field or court because they've done something wrong.
set about
to begin doing something that will probably take a lot of effort or a long time
set aside
to keep a portion of something for use in the future
set back (1)
to make something happen more slowly, or at a later time, than it would have
set back (2) INFORMAL
If something has set you back fifty dollars, it has cost you fifty dollars.
set down
If you set something down, you put it in writing.
set off (1)
to begin a journey
set off (2)
to make something explode or blow up
set out (1)
to begin doing something with a definite objective or aim in mind
set out (2)
to begin a journey
set out (3)
to explain the details of something, especially in writing
set up (1)
to start a company, a foundation, or an organization of some sort
set up (2)
to put together or arrange the parts of something before using it
set up (3)
to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity
settle down (1)
to become calm and quiet, especially after being excited or noisy
settle down (2)
to start living a conventional life with a steady job and a stable partner, especially after getting married
settle for
to accept something, even though it isn't what you really want
settle in
to begin to feel comfortable in a new situation, such as a new home, a new job, or a new school
shake off
to get rid of something that's causing you problems, such as a sickness, a fear, a bad image, a bad reputation, etc.
shake up (1)
to make big changes to an organisation and the way it's run, usually to improve it
shake up (2)
to upset or shock someone
shoot up INFORMAL
to quickly increase in size, number or level
shop around
If you shop around, you go to several shops to find the lowest price for something you want.
show off
to do something to get attention or admiration, but in a way that annoys some people
show up INFORMAL
to arrive at an event or a place where people are gathering
shut down
to close something like a factory, school or hospital, usually forever
shut off
If a machine, a system or a supply shuts off, or is shut off by someone, it stops.
shut out (1)
to stop someone or something from entering a room or a building
shut out (2)
to stop yourself thinking about or feeling something that upsets you or hurts you
shut up INFORMAL
to stop talking or stop making noise
sign in
to sign a register when you visit a place, or to log in when you visit a website
sign up
If you sign up to something like a website or a gym, you become a member.
sit back
to do nothing instead of making an effort to get what you want
sit down
to lower yourself into a sitting position on a seat or on the ground
sit in for
to take someone's place when they are absent
sit in on
If you sit in on something like a meeting or a class, you attend to see what happens, without joining in.
sit through
If you sit through something like a long speech or a boring show, you wait until it's over before leaving, even though you're not enjoying it.
sit up (1)
If you sit up, you get up into a sitting position after you've been lying down.
sit up (2)
to not go to bed until later than usual
size up
to observe carefully and then form an opinion about a person or a situation
sleep together INFORMAL
to have sex together
sleep with INFORMAL
to have sex with someone
slip up INFORMAL
to make a small mistake, usually because of carelessness
slow down
to become slower, or to make someone or something go slower
smell of
to have a particular smell
snap up
to get something quickly so you don't miss out
sober up
to become sober again after drinking too much alcohol
sort out (1)
If you sort things out, you arrange them into some sort of order.
sort out (2)
If you sort something out, you make arrangements for it or you organize it.
speak out
If you speak out, you publicly state your position on an issue, or publicly oppose or defend someone or something.
speak up (1)
to speak louder
speak up (2)
If you speak up, you publicly state your position on an issue, or publicly oppose or defend someone or something.
speed up
to move faster, or to increase the speed of something
spell out
If you spell something out, you explain it slowly and very clearly so that everyone can understand.
spread out
If a group of people spread out, they move apart so that there's more space between them.
stamp out
to stop something bad or harmful by taking strong action against it
stand by (1)
If you're standing by, you're ready to do something or help somebody.
stand by (2)
If you stand by someone, you support them or help them if they're in some sort of trouble.
stand by (3)
to do nothing to stop something wrong or something bad from happening
stand down
to resign or retire from a job or a position
stand for (1)
If letters or symbols stand for something, they represent that thing.
stand for (2)
If a person or an organisation stands for certain ideals or principles, they believe in and support those ideals or principles.
stand for (3)
If you won't stand for something, you won't accept it or allow it to happen.
stand out
If somebody stands out, they are easy to see because there is something unusual about the way they look or the way they behave.
stand up
to get to your feet from a lying or sitting position
stand up for
to defend an idea or a person against criticism or attack
start off
to begin in a particular way or with a particular act
start out
to begin a life or a career in a particular way
start up
to create and run an organization such as a business, a club, a band, etc.
stay away from
If you stay away from something or someone, you don't go near the thing or the person.
stay up
If you stay up, you don't go to bed at the usual time.
step down
to resign from a job or a position
step up
to increase the level or strength of something
stick at
If you stick at something, you continue to do it even if it's difficult or it's taking a long time.
stick out (1)
If something sticks out, it comes out beyond the edge or the end of something.
stick out (2)
to move part of your body out and away from the rest of your body
stick to (1)
If you stick to something, you don't stop doing it or you don't stop trying to do it.
stick to (2)
If you stick to something like a political party, a sporting club, a job, or even a favorite food or colour, you don't change to another one.
stick up for INFORMAL
If you stick up for someone who's being criticized or attacked verbally, you defend or support them.
stick with INFORMAL
to continue with the same thing, instead of changing to something else
stir up
to cause trouble among people or to cause bad feelings to arise
stop over
to stop at a place and stay there for one or two days while on your way to somewhere else
storm out
to leave a place quickly when you are angry or upset about something
sum up
If you sum up something, you give a quick summary of it.
switch off
to turn something off with a switch
switch on
to turn something on with a switch