Wanna learn 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context?

see you | see you later

This page is about the conversational phrase see you | see you later


You can use this to say good-bye to someone, esp. if you'll be seeing them again in the near future.

For example

  • "See you, mate. Got to run."
    "Ok, Josh. See you later."

  • "Time to go. See you later, guys."
    "See you."

Also "See you soon", "See you around" and "Catch you later"

Quick Quiz

You can say "See you" or "See you later" to someone if you'll

a. see them again fairly soon

b. see them again in a minute

c. never be seeing them again
a) see them again fairly soon b) see them again in a minute c) never be seeing them again

Contributor: Matt Errey