
get a look in

This page is about the idiom get a look in


If you get a look in, you get a fair chance to do something.

For example

  • When Roger was playing at his best, no-one else taking part in a tournament would get a look in. He'd win every time.

  • With so many graduates from top universities trying to get the job, someone like me wouldn't get a look in.

Usually used in the negative, as in "I didn't get a look in..."

Quick Quiz

The university was supposed to be open to everyone, but you wouldn't get a look in unless you

a. went to a famous high school

b. went to a normal high school

c. hadn't been to high school
a) went to a famous high school b) went to a normal high school c) hadn't been to high school
get a look in

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Contributor: Matt Errey