
the last straw

This page is about the idiom the last straw


Something is the last straw if it's the latest in a series of annoying or upsetting events, and it's the one that finally makes you do something about the situation.

For example

  • I was already close to resigning, but the last straw was being bossed around by some kid twenty years younger than me. After that, I quit the job.

  • I saw my girlfriend flirting with another guy at the party, and that was the last straw. I told her our relationship was over and I left.

Quick Quiz

I'd had lots of problems with the hotel, but having the air conditioner break down on a really hot night was the last straw. The next day I

a. moved out

b. told the manager

c. fixed the air conditioner
a) moved out b) told the manager c) fixed the air conditioner

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Contributor: Matt Errey