

This page is about the idiom state-of-the-art


If something is state-of-the-art, it's the latest and best example of something, or it shows the most recent developments in its field.

For example

  • Have you seen Ian's new phone? He says it's got state-of-the-art technology you can only get in that model.

  • I never buy state-of-the-art products because they're always so expensive. I just wait six months and get the same thing for a lot less.

Quick Quiz

Companies that want to create state-of-the-art products need to employ people who are

a. from the best universities

b. the smartest in their field

c. the most fashionable in the world
a) from the best universities b) the smartest in their field c) the most fashionable in the world

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Contributor: Matt Errey