Phrasal Verbs

itching for

This page is about the phrasal verb itching for


If you're itching for something, you really want it.

For example

  • be itching for sth After they'd had a few drinks, some of the guys were itching for a fight.

  • be itching for sth The team's substitutes are itching for a chance to get onto the pitch to show off their footballing skills.

Nouns often used as objects with itching for: fight, drink, chance, opportunity

Always used in one of the continuous tenses, such as "is itching for", "was itching for" or "has been itching for".

Quick Quiz

Ever since Carlos lost his world middleweight title to Hiroko, he has been itching for a rematch. He wants to

a. quit boxing

b. delay the rematch

c. fight Hiroko as soon as possible
a) quit boxing b) delay the rematch c) fight Hiroko as soon as possible
itching for

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Contributor: Matt Errey