
It is best to be on the safe side

This page is about the saying "It is best to be on the safe side"

Possible meaning:
1) Don't take risks. Be careful and cautious. 2) It's best to be sure. It's best to be absolutely certain.

For example

  • My doctor says he doesn't think I've broken any bones but it's best to be on the safe side and have an x-ray.

  • I feel pretty healthy but just to be on the safe side I asked my doctor for a check-up.

The phrase "(just) to be on the safe side" is often used alone, as above.

Quick Quiz

"It is best to be on the safe side" just to

a. be 100% sure

b. to avoid oncoming traffic

c. take a risk
a) be 100% sure b) to avoid oncoming traffic c) take a risk

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger