
Necessity is the mother of invention

This page is about the saying "Necessity is the mother of invention"

Possible meaning:
If we absolutely need to do something that has never been done, we will find a way to do it. It is this need or necessity that forces people to invent things.

necessity (noun) = something that is essential; an imperative need | invention (noun) = the act of inventing | invent (verb) = design or create something that has not existed before

Origin: Based on the line "Necessity, who is the mother of invention" in The Republic written by Plato (Greek author & philosopher, 427-347BC).

Quick Quiz

"Necessity is the mother of invention" is a proverb about

a. motherhood

b. the cause of inventions

c. the cause of poverty
a) motherhood b) the cause of inventions c) the cause of poverty

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger