
joint (2)

This page is about the slang term joint (2)

American English


a prison, a jail

For example

  • My cousin Henry has been in the joint for the last three years, but he might get out on parole next year.

  • After he got out of the joint, Sammy had a lot of trouble finding a job. Most people won't hire someone who just got out of jail.

usually used with the definite article, as in "the joint"


This is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Quick Quiz

Jimmy was arrested for bank robbery, and now he's in the joint. He'll be in there

a. for about half an hour

b. until he feels like going home

c. for at least four years
a) for about half an hour b) until he feels like going home c) for at least four years

See Slang of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey