
E | ecstasy

This page is about the slang term E | ecstasy


an illegal amphetamine-like drug

For example

  • Lots of people took E, or ecstasy, back in the eighties, before it was known to be dangerous.

  • E is still used by a few reckless club-goers who are willing to risk damaging their brain in order to feel good for a couple of hours.

This drug has euphoric and hallucinatory effects and it was originally developed for use in psychotherapy. It is also known by its chemical abbreviation MDMA.

Quick Quiz

If someone says "You want some E?" they're trying to sell you

a. an energy drink

b. an ecstasy pill

c. a vitamin E pill
a) an energy drink b) an ecstasy pill c) a vitamin E pill

See Slang of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey