

This page is about the slang term kike

American English taboo!!!


a derogatory word meaning a Jewish person

For example

  • When I was at school some of the kids would tease a little boy called Benjamin and call him a "kike". They'd push him and shove him while chanting, "kikey boy, kikey boy". Benjamin would start to cry, and then the kids would laugh and walk away.

WARNING! This word is very offensive to Jewish people, and mostly used by bigots and racists. You should never use it.

Warning! This is very bad language. If you are a non-native speaker, you are advised not to use it. (You could cause resentment or anger if you use it inappropriately.)


This is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Quick Quiz

Which sort of person would use the word "kike"?

a. an environmentalist

b. a racist

c. a pacifist
a) an environmentalist b) a racist c) a pacifist

See Slang of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey