

This page is about the slang term limey



a derogatory word meaning a British person (n.) | British (adj.)

For example

  • My grandfather told me about being called a limey when he came to America from England when he was a boy.

  • People used to make jokes about how bad limey food was.

1. this word is offensive to British people and you should not use it 2. it is becoming old-fashioned and is mostly used by older people

Origin: Probably related to the fact that members of the British navy used to drink lime juice to prevent a disease called scurvy. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C, and citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and limes are an excellent source of this essential vitamin.

Quick Quiz

People used to call my grandfather a limey because he

a. liked to eat limes

b. came from France

c. was born in the U.K.
a) liked to eat limes b) came from France c) was born in the U.K.

See Slang of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey