
hood (1)

This page is about the slang term hood (1)

American English


a neighbourhood, especially in a poor, urban area

For example

  • Jerome often goes back to the hood to see his family and hang out with old friends.

  • A lot of rap artists tell stories about life in the hood.

Origin: short for "neighbourhood"; first appeared in Black American English in the 1970's


This is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Quick Quiz

If a rap album is called "Livin' in the Hood", it's probably about

a. life in a big-city neighbourhood

b. the life of a car mechanic

c. the fashion of wearing jackets with hoods
a) life in a big-city neighbourhood b) the life of a car mechanic c) the fashion of wearing jackets with hoods

See Slang of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey