100 Commonly Misspelled Words

This is a list of hard to spell words, showing their correct spelling with spelling advice and common misspellings. These spellings are consistent for British and American English.

correct spelling notes misspelling
absence -s-, -nce absense, abscence
accommodate, accommodation -cc-, -mm- accomodate, accomodation
achieve iĀ beforeĀ e acheive
across oneĀ c accross
aggressive -gg- agressive
apparently -ent- apparantly
appearance -ance appearence
argument noĀ eĀ afterĀ u arguement
assassination -ss-, -ss- assasination
basically -ally basicly
beginning -nn- begining
believe iĀ beforeĀ e beleive, belive
business busi- buisness
calendar -ar calender
Caribbean -r-, -bb- Carribean
category e in middle catagory
cemetery -ery cemetary
colleague -ea- collegue
coming oneĀ m comming
committee -mm-, -tt-, -ee- commitee
completely -ely completly
conscience -sc- concience
conscious -sc- concious
copyright -right copywrite
curiosity -os- curiousity
definitely -ite-Ā notĀ -ate- definately
disappear -s-, -pp- dissapear
disappoint -s-, -pp- dissapoint
ecstasy -sy ecstacy
embarrass -rr-, -ss embarass
environment -nm- enviroment
existence -ence existance
familiar -iar familar
finally -ll- finaly
fluorescent fluor- florescent
foreign eĀ beforeĀ i foriegn
forty for- fourty
forward for- foward
friend iĀ beforeĀ e freind
further fur- futher
glamorous -mor- glamourous
government -nm- goverment
grammar -ar grammer
gauge -au- guage
grateful grat- greatful
guard gua- gaurd
happened -ened happend
harass, harassment -r-, -ss harrass, harrassment
honorary -nor- honourary
humorous -mor- humourous
immediately -ely immediatly
incidentally -ally incidently
independent -ent independant
interrupt -rr- interupt
irresistible -ible irresistable
knowledge -edge knowlege
lightning no e lightening
medicine medi- like medical medecine
millennium, millennia -ll-, -nn- millenium, millenia
misspell -ss- mispell
necessary -c-, -ss- neccessary
noticeable -e- noticable
occasion -cc-, -s- ocassion, occassion
occurred, occurring -cc-, -rr- occured, occuring
occurrence -cc-, -rr-,Ā -ence occurance, occurence
parallel -r-, -ll- paralel, parralel
persistent -ent persistant
Philippines -l-, -pp- Phillipines
piece iĀ beforeĀ e peice
politician -cian politican
possession -ss-, -ss- posession
preferred, preferring -rr- prefered, prefering
privilege no d priviledge
pronunciation -nun- pronounciation
publicly -cly publically
really -ll- realy
receive eĀ beforeĀ i recieve
referred, referring -rr- refered, refering
religious -gious religous
remember -mem- rember, remeber
resistance -ance resistence
sense -se sence
separate -par- seperate
successful -cc-, -ss- succesful
surprise sur- suprise
tendency -ency tendancy
therefore -fore therefor
threshold oneĀ hĀ in middle threshhold
tomorrow -m-, -rr- tommorow, tommorrow
tongue ton-, -gue tounge
truly noĀ e truely
unforeseen -re- unforseen
unfortunately -ely unfortunatly
until -l untill
vicious no s in middle viscious
weird eĀ beforeĀ i wierd
wherever oneĀ eĀ in middle whereever
weather -ea- wether, waether
whether wh- wether
which wh- wich