mono- and poly- Quiz

You can do this quiz online or print it on paper. It tests the mono- and poly- combining forms in our Vocabulary section.

1. Most things that start with mono- have _______ of whatever the remainder of the word signifies.

just one
one or more
more than one
a) just one b) one or more c) more than one

2. Most things that start with poly- have _______ of whatever the remainder of the word signifies.

just one
one or more
more than one
a) just one b) one or more c) more than one

3. Which would you expect to have just one wheel, like a unicycle?

a polycycle
a bicycle
a monocycle
a) a polycycle b) a a bicycle c) a monocycle

4. A polyglot is a person who speaks

one or more languages
several languages
a Polynesian language
a) one or more languages b) several languages c) a Polynesian language

5. The cultural norm of being married to no more than one person at a time is called

a) polygamy b) monogamy c) monotony

6. The control of a particular market or trade by one company or group is called

a monolith
a polygon
a monopoly
a) a monolith b) a polygon c) a monopoly

7. Which of these words is monosyllabic?

a) plane b) biplane c) monoplane

8. The word monoplane includes the prefix mono- because the plane has just one

pair of wings
a) seat b) engine c) pair of wings

9. A performance of music in which sounds come from several directions is

a) monophonic b) stereophonic c) polyphonic

10. What do we call a long speech by a sole actor, often alone, in a play or movie?

a monotreme
a monologue
a monodrama
a) a monotreme b) a monologue c) a monodrama

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Matt Errey Contributor: Matt Errey. Matt is the author of several books including 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context and Common English Idioms for learners, and Matt's ESL Games and Quizzes for teachers.