
put someone's nose out of joint

This page is about the idiom put someone's nose out of joint



If you put someone's nose out of joint, you upset them by not treating them with as much respect or consideration as they think they deserve.

For example

  • Brad had his nose put out of joint when he saw that he didn't get top billing on the movie poster. George's name was written above Brad's name.

  • Our little boy had his nose put out of joint when we got a bicycle for his sister, so we got him one as well.

Quick Quiz

Mary-Louise was the captain of the basketball team last year, and she had her nose put out of joint when

a. she was named captain again this year

b. Sarah-Lee was named captain this year

c. she accidentally head-butted Sarah-Lee in the face
a) she was named captain again this year b) Sarah-Lee was named captain this year c) she accidentally head-butted Sarah-Lee in the face

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Contributor: Matt Errey