
the upper crust

This page is about the idiom the upper crust


If you are one of the upper crust, you are a member of society's highest class.

For example

  • If Laura was really part of the upper crust, she wouldn't need to borrow money all the time, would she?

  • Marge does a great imitation of an upper-crust "society queen". It's really funny, and her upper-crust accent is perfect.

If used to modify a noun or a noun phrase, a hyphen should be added, as in "upper-crust party".

Quick Quiz

Ralph wants people to think he's in the upper crust, so he

a. wears expensive clothes

b. uses public transport

c. drives an old Honda
a) wears expensive clothes b) uses public transport c) drives an old Honda

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Contributor: Matt Errey