Phrasal Verbs

deal with

This page is about the phrasal verb deal with


If you deal with a problem or a difficult situation, you do what needs to be done to solve or resolve it.


handle, take care of, tackle

For example

  • deal with I asked my assistant if there was anything else we had to deal with.

  • deal with sth A manager has to deal with all sorts of problems and issues that come up in business.

  • be dealt with (passive) This matter should have been dealt with before it became such a serious issue.

Nouns often used as objects with deal with: problem, complaint, situation, issue, enquiry, crisis, emergency

Quick Quiz

The best person to deal with a medical emergency would be

a. a dealer

b. a doctor

c. a sick person
a) a dealer b) a doctor c) a sick person

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Contributor: Matt Errey