Phrasal Verbs

try out

This page is about the phrasal verb try out


to test something to see what it's like, or to see if it works properly



For example

  • try sth out I saw these new headphones in a shop today and I tried them out. They sounded great, but they were really expensive.

  • try out sth I tried out this new meditation technique this morning, and it's great. I've felt really good all day.

Nouns often used as objects with try out: software, printer, phone; relaxation technique, exercise routine, diet

Quick Quiz

Before buying the phone, I tried it out to see

a. if I could break it

b. if it worked properly

c. how much it cost
a) if I could break it b) if it worked properly c) how much it cost

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1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context

Contributor: Matt Errey