
hustler (2)

This page is about the slang term hustler (2)

American and Australian English


a skilled player, esp. at pool or billiards, who cheats other players by pretending to be an average player and then challenging them to play for money

For example

  • There was this hustler in the pub last night playing pool. He got about two hundred dollars before the guys realised they were being hustled.

  • If we catch hustlers in our pool hall, we throw them out after getting back any money they've won.


This is typically used in American and Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Quick Quiz

A pool-playing hustler makes money by

a. teaching other players

b. cheating other players

c. charging other players
a) teaching other players b) cheating other players c) charging other players

See Slang of the Day today

Contributor: Matt Errey