Assure, Insure, Ensure

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Assure, Insure, Ensure

Post by Dhvanesh »

Hi Every body

Does Anybody know the difference beteween the Assure, Insure, Ensure?

Please help.
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Post by Vega »

verb [T]to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry: The unions assured the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.[+ speech] "Don't worry, your car will be ready tomorrow, " the mechanic assured him.[+ (that)] She assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day.The Prime Minister assured the electorate (that) taxes would not be increased after the election.You can rest assured (= feel confident) that I shall be there as promised.

verb [T]to cause something to be certain:The play's popularity has been assured by the critics' rave reviews

assure (PROTECT)
verb [T] UK(of an organization) to promise to pay a sum of money to a person or their family if they become ill, get injured, or die, in return for small regular payments

verb [T]
to make something certain to happen:
The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.[+ (that)] The role of the police is to ensure (that) the law is obeyed.
[+ two objects] Their 2-0 victory today has ensured the Italian team a place in the Cup Final/ensured a place in the Cup Final for the Italian team.

1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to protect yourself against risk by regularly paying a special company that will provide a fixed amount of money if you are killed or injured or if your home or possessions are damaged, destroyed or stolen:
The house is insured for two million pounds.
All our household goods are insured against accidental damage.
[+ object + to infinitive] I'm not insured to drive his car.

insure against sth phrasal verb
to do something in order to prevent something unpleasant from happening or from affecting you:
We thought we'd insure against rain by putting a tent up where people could take shelter.

Have a good day,
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