Guest Posts

Thank you for your interest. We welcome high-quality guest posts/articles written specifically for learners or teachers of English.

Guest Article

Please carefully read the guidelines below and decide whether you wish to submit an article.

Submission Guidelines

  • We vet all submissions for AI-generated content.
  • Your article will carry your name and short bio, as well as links as appropriate.
  • We are interested in all topics related to the learning or teaching of English—from vocabulary tips for learners to career advice for teachers.
  • We accept original articles that have not been published elsewhere on the web (and will not be so).
  • Articles should be objective and non-commercial.
  • Up to 1,500 words is preferred.
  • We reserve the right to edit submitted content.
  • You may include two or three genuine and natural follow links within the text as well as a link in your bio.
  • If published, copyright in the article will rest with EnglishClub.

We regret that we cannot discuss hypothetical or proposed ideas.

You may submit your article using the form below. (If you do not hear from us within 21 days please assume that your submission does not meet our needs at this time.)

"*" indicates required fields

This MUST be the name of the author.
Intended Audience*
20 words describing what the article is about. (Please don't just repeat the Title.)
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 1 GB, Max. files: 10.
    Please write a few lines about yourself. Here you may include relevant title/qualifications and one link if you wish.
    Terms: This is an original article, unpublished elsewhere. I am its author. I offer it for publication on EnglishClub. In case of publication copyright will belong to EnglishClub.*